2008년 4월 30일 수요일

Anne Frank Question #5 (five questions) A~E

a. Act 1: I agree with this statement and I think Mr.Frank is telling Anne that there are no such idea that can block you from writing and block her way from her way for her goal. Even though she is Jew, and she has enemy like Nazis, I think she could write her goal down on the diary and achieve her goal by writing down. She has potential to think and make idea to write it down on her diary so, even though there are enemies of her, she could always put something on her mind and it never stops.
b. Act 1, Scene 1-3: I think the hardest part to be in secret annex is that you need to keep quite and cant go to bathroom in the day. Also, Anne is a young girl that likes to play outside and shes in her life time when she has to play outside. I cant imagine that I need to stay in bed for 8hours after I woke up even though no ones there. Thats why its hard to keep quiet.
c. Act 1, Scene 1-3: I think they do have teenage attitude against them. In pg. 382 Anne said to Mrs.Frank, "who caresif it's dignified? i dont want to be dignified." She's acting rude to her mother and she doesnt respect mother's order. Also, Mrs. Van Daan said to Peter, "Now is that anyway to talk to your little girlfriend?" and Peter replied, "Mother... for heaven's sake.... will you please stop saying that?" this means that he is shy and he is showing that he is acting like a teenager.
d. Act 1, Scene 1-3: There were a lot of conflicts in the scene 1~3. 1) Mr.Dussel and Anne doesn't seem to get along each other. Ex. They use the same room together but their personality doesn't match and they always get into a conflict because of it. 2) Mr.Dussel is pretending to have an allergy on fur. Ex. Mr.Dussel is pretending to have an allergy on fur and he doesnt want the cat to be near him, so Peter is having hard time to stay and get along with Mr.Dussel. 3)Mr.Dussel came into the secret Annex and he eats. Ex. In the secret annex, they have limited food to eat and also, they have a lot of people in first place so, they coudnt offer another person to eat but Mr.Dussel had to eat so, they are getting into trouble. 4) No space Ex. Mr.Dussel came in the secret annex so, they dont have left over space to play around as much as the past.
e. When Anne's nightmare was over, Mrs.Frank went to Anne and comforted her. But when she was comforting her, Mr.Dussel was very angry at Anne because she was screaming in the silent. Mr.Dussel didn't understand about the child and he was not getting along with the mood in the secret annex either. Mrs.Frank and Mr.Dussel is in conflict because of Anne. Mrs.Frank said to Mr.Dussel that she wasnt trained like an army,she was just a 13 years old girl. Then, Mr.Dussel went to w.c for a peace with his anger in him.

댓글 2개:

HahnjiJ :

I also agreed with the statement because i think it is very important that the people kept hope and didn't let themselves be ruled by fear from the nazis. I am glad that Mr.Frank told this to Anne because it kept her positive and let her know she can think and write freely. So now we have a better understanding of what it was really like to be a jew during the time of the holocaust and WW2.

Hannah Lavender :

I soooooo agree with you that the hardest part of living in the secret annex would be having to keep quiet all day long and not be allowed to make any noise or move or do pretty much anything other than stay still!! Anne and the others she was with in the secret annex must have had to have so much control over their actions to be able to stay like that for so many hours like they did. Great blogs!! Keep it up!