I think I am a person that can't keep my inside feeling by myself. OK!
One day in 7th grade, I liked one girl and I was going to keep this secret for the whole year but it didn't work because of my personality. I can't keep anything in my heart by myself and I always express that feelings on my face or whatever way that I could express with. I kept the secret for about 3 weeks but I kept it because I was embarassed to tell people that I liked that person and if I tell to them, eventually she will know that I liked her so, I was worried about that. My secret was finally spreaded because my face and my actions were showing that I liked her! haha
댓글 13개:
That was one secret that everyone knew about~ Dont worry, probably everyone gets those kind of times. I have had times that I liked someone and everyone could tell, too! I think that, maybe, you shouldnt be embarrassed of who you like and try to express your feelings rather than hiding them. =] But I know that you are doing well with that special someone now so it is ok~
Dear John,
That's a classic problem! Isn't it amazing how we can be the ones to expose our secrets to the world? I have a hard time keeping secrets about myself. Either I can't stand it any more and I tell a friend or a family member, or I don't think of it as a secret and my friends are upset when they find out. Ah. Whatchya gonna do?
Could you set your language to English, John? That way everyone will be able to navigate your website easily.
Ms. J.
This story is such a sweet story! I'm wondering if you still like her. mak e le haha. Everyone experienced at least once like yours. When you face same situation again, don’t hide your love, express as much as you can.
cham jal hat a yo !!!
p.s. come visit my blog and comment~! =D
nice blog!!=) I know that's happened to me too. I wonder who this special person wuz....jkjk lol But it's ok now and so you should always just tell that person how you feel instead of keeping it a secret because it might turn out into a happily ever after story.
you shouldnt keep those kind of secrets from know because who ever knows if it would be happily ever after kk
thanx guys
i want this story to be everlasting if I tell her !! haha
and to be a happy ending later on haha<33333
I would like to know who that was Haha. I have had times that I liked someone and everyone could tell, too! I think that, maybe, you shouldnt be embarrassed of who you like and try to express your feelings rather than hiding them. But I know that you are liking someone now and you are doing very well about it.. Remember afterschool yesterday at math class???
That wasn't a secret! Haha just kidding.
Thank you for your work so far, but you still haven't done your first post about the novel.
This weekend, please create two more substantial posts about your novel. For each post, focus a different one of the following: setting, plot, characterization, and theme.
Ms. J
lol me too!! ㅋㅋㅋ
guess who I am...
Yup that has been a major problem to a lot of people. But in my opinion I always think that you should keep it a secret for a little while until you really get to know that person, and if you think your relationship with him/her is going quite well then that is the time when you should express your feelings towards them and I know it might not always work out the way you wanted it to be but if it doesn't then don't feel bad or embarassed about yourself because you at least tried and thats the important thing.
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